welcome home
We are conveniently located in Northwest Wichita and would love to see YOU this Sunday @ 10am or Wednesday @ 7PM!
Join us every Sunday at 10am for our LIVE Sunday Service.

You are not meant to do life alone. Don't miss the chance to be part of what is happening here at Evangel!
God has given you gifts to use here at Evangel. If you would like to join one of our Ministry Teams, start here.

Evangel Kids
We strive to help Children know and understand God's plan for their life. We want them to realize that Jesus came and died on the cross for them and now it's their job to go and share this exciting news with others!
K-5th Grade
Evangel Youth
6th-12th Grade
We exist to help middle school and high school students build relationships with Jesus Christ through a fun, no-pressure atmosphere, energetic worship, and Bible based teaching!

Service Times
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am
Wednesday Evenings
7:00 pm